Creating water solutions.

Improving communities statewide.







We are here to help.

RIA works to enhance the quality of life for residents in communities across South Carolina by providing grant and loan financing options, as well as training, technical assistance and funding coordination for qualified infrastructure projects for water and wastewater systems and stormwater drainage facilities.

Since 2013, the RIA’s cumulative funding impacts have touched every county. These investments protect water quality while building capacity for new economic opportunities.

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Grant Funds Awarded
Grants Awarded
Loans Closed

RIA’s Ongoing Programs of Assistance

Providing essential funding and financing solutions to strengthen South Carolina’s water, sewer and stormwater infrastructure.

State Grants

RIA offers grant assistance to local governments and other eligible entities statewide for qualifying infrastructure projects. Eligible activities include water, sewer and storm water drainage improvements and other assistance to improve the long-term viability of utilities.

SRF Loans

State Revolving Funds (SRF) provide a viable, low-cost financing option for communities to invest in waste water treatment and collection, drinking water supply and distribution, water quality and non-point source infrastructure. This federally capitalized loan program is jointly administered with the SC Department of Health and Environmental Control.

Funding Coordination

We serve as a resource for communities to access information about financial and technical assistance. RIA helps to identify affordable solutions and works with other partners to coordinate assistance. In this way, scarce resources can be leveraged to serve as a catalyst for further investments.

SCIIP Progress

Under the SC Infrastructure Investment Program (SCIIP), RIA has awarded a total of 219 grants, in the amount of $1.469 billion, to local governments as well as public water and sewer utilities. The program funds, allocated to RIA by the General Assembly from the federal American Rescue Plan Act, will modernize and upgrade critical facilities in all of South Carolina’s 46 counties.

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