SCIIP Project Implementation

Now that the SCIIP grant awards have been made, you are probably ready to get started. The SCIIP program is funded by the American Rescue Plan Act which requires certain federal procedures including the need to expend funds no later than December 31, 2026. To help you implement the project, a new Project Management Procedures handbook as well as new forms and other documents have been developed and are linked on this page for easy access. To share more information about project administration, RIA hosted an all-day SCIIP Project Management Workshop on May 31, 2023. Slides and videos of the presentations from that workshop are available below.





Procurement Resources

Use the buttons at the right to access guidance and templates for procuring engineering services using a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) or other professional services using a Request for Proposals (RFP).

For additional procurement information, please see Section III of the SCIIP Project Management Procedures.

Project Permitting

RIA has partnered with several regulatory agencies to ensure permit applications for SCIIP projects are reviewed in a timely manner to allow project completion by 2026. In order for these agencies to prioritize their review, you should indicate that the project has SCIIP funding and include your assigned SCIIP grant number (A-23-C###) on ALL state and federal permit applications including DES, SCDOT, OCRM and USACE.

Project Signage

Grantees may include project signage in construction contracts. Click the button at the right to download a zipped folder that contains instructions and all files necessary for professional printing of SCIIP artwork on signs. Grantees may incorporate their own logo into the design.

Grantees that would like to print a celebratory check representing their SCIIP grant award should email to request instructions and artwork for that. Please note that expenses related to this or other ceremonial items are not eligible for reimbursement with SCIIP or RIA grant funds.

SCIIP Procedures

Select the link to access the SCIIP Project Management Procedures, updated in July 2024.

SCIIP Forms & Documents

Select the link to access all new SCIIP forms and documents

Overview of SCIIP Awards

Click to learn more about the $1.369 billion awarded in SCIIP funding.