Viability Toolkit


SC Infrastructure Funders

  • Available Funding Sources

    Funding Partners

    RIA regularly coordinates with other SC Infrastructure Funders including representatives from federal and state agencies that provide funding for infrastructure in South Carolina. These collaborative efforts help to address funding gaps and identify solutions to current challenges.

  • RIA Infrastructure Planning Grant

    Grant Information and Application

    RIA’s Infrastructure Planning Grant is designed to provide planning assistance for small communities and eligible public utilities seeking greater long-term viability. Planning activities may address technical, financial, managerial or operational concerns for water, wastewater or stormwater systems. Entities that are seeking a path to viability through regional consolidation or other partnerships may also apply for assistance to assess the feasibility and resource requirements of a regional solution.

Other Resources

  • EPA Water Finance Clearinghouse

    Searchable Database of Water Funding

    The Water Finance Clearinghouse includes two searchable databases: one contains available funding sources for water infrastructure and the second contains resources such as reports, weblinks, webinars etc. on financing mechanisms and approaches that can help communities access capital to meet their water infrastructure needs.


    Water/Wastewater Resiliency Grants

    The Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) program supports states, local communities, tribes and territories as they undertake hazard mitigation projects, reducing the risks they face from disasters and natural hazards.


    Rural Water Loan Fund

    The Rural Water Loan Fund (RWLF) is a funding program specifically designed to meet the unique needs of small water and wastewater utilities. The RWLF provides low-cost loans for short-term repair costs, small capital projects, or pre-development costs associated with larger projects. The RWLF was established through a grant from the USDA/RUS, and repaid funds used to replenish the fund and make new loans.


    Water/Wastewater Resources for Rural Communities

    The SERCAP Loan Fund Program provides loans to local governments, public service authorities, homeowner associations, nonprofit organizations, and other community entities for the development and/or construction of large-scale community projects.

Utility Viability Overview

Learn more about initiatives to support the long-term viability of utilities in South Carolina.

Powerful Partnerships

Read about the success utilities can achieve by working together in various ways to combine their strengths.

Technical Assistance

Contact an expert in helping water and wastewater utilities overcome challenges.